Squidbob Tentapants Wiki
Squidben arlonpants
Toon squidben

"... sometimes you guys are weird"-squidben

he was created when Lukben03 used his lukben virus on squidbob virus when they stoped he appered out of nowhere.

his pet[]

his pets name is glitch-y because he is half allons-cat and half glitchy he is almost like glitchy just some diffrends he meows like a real cat he is a clone of glitchy

his powers[]

he can do a weegee virus to turn you into squidbob or lukben clones, he can also say exterminate to destroy his enemys

Why squidbob and squidben hates echother[]

After squidben was created he wanted to rule over the world squidbob got angry that he attacked squidben, and they always hated echother
